
How to start learning Java? Top tips for Java Programming Learning

Java is a programming language that is popularly used everywhere. Anyone who wants to learn java, even without any prior programming experience, can learn java easily. It is absolutely the fast and most secure programming language. Learning Java has become vital in the field of programming. This blog will help you how to start java programming learning and provides you some tips on how to learn java effectively.


What is Java?

Java is a high-level programming language that contains syntaxes based on C++. It is an object-oriented language developed in the year 1995 by James Gosling. It is a platform-independent programming language that can be compiled and executed on any operating system.


Java is a robust language that uses multi-threads to carry out multiple tasks at once. It is useful in creating numerous desktop and web applications and also useful on the internet and mobile phones. Anyone who knows or does not know to program, can Java and it is never going to be too late for learning it.


Java: Why should I learn?

We have seen what Java is and some details about it. However, is there any need to learn Java? Is there anything beneficial if I learn the language? Absolutely, there are some reasons why you should learn Java. Let’s see some of them.


  • Java has a feature named WORA (Write once, run anywhere) and it can be compiled on any platform


  • It is the most popular programming language and the average salary for a Java developer ranges from $47,169 to $106,610 per annum.


  • You can easily self-learn Java and there are many sources available online to learn Java.


  • Using Java, one can effectively create applications as Java provides a great API (Application Programming Interface).


  • It has numerous open-source libraries to use.


  • It has a larger community.
  • Powerful development tools are available in Java that help in creating various software.


  • Java is a free programming language and no one needs to pay for development and testing. A small amount of fee should be paid when it comes to commercial purposes.


  • Javadoc generates great documentation support for Java and provides reference while coding.


  • It is a versatile language that has its applications on the web, desktop, mobile, and more.


Effective ways for Java programming learning

If you start to learn the Java programming language for the first time, here are some useful tips to follow that will help you to start your journey in Java.


  1. Basics are important

As with any other skill, understanding thoroughly the basics is important for learning Java programming. Understanding the basics is the best step to start that can easily help you with learning a new skill. There are many textbooks available and sources on the internet that you can rely on for learning Java basics.


Starting a new programming language may appear overwhelming, especially when you are new to programming. You may find it difficult to resolve even simpler bugs and get stuck with syntaxes. But keep it in mind that you are starting just now and you can be a master in Java if you try with constant efforts.


  1. Have patience

Learning Java is easy, but at the same time, it has huge materials and topics to cover. Don’t panic, you can learn Java if you have the patience and motivation to do the same. Like every other skill, learning a programming language will take time. Don’t be in a rush to complete everything faster.


Give yourself enough time to understand every concept clearly and don’t get demotivated because of not proceeding faster. Patience is an important thing to have when you are learning or start learning anything at level 0.


  1. Practice, practice, and practice!

So you are done with learning the basics? It is time to move ahead- practice! This is where you have to apply all the learned concepts practically. Programming is just not about learning. It is about practicing. As long as you read, don’t forget to code. For every concept you learn new, try to implement it in code. Solve bugs and look for more effective ways to debug.


Programming needs constant practice and if you do it regularly, you can master Java so quickly. There are many compilers available which you can install on your computer for practice. Nowadays, there are many online compilers available that eliminate the need for installation and you can just practice on the go!


  1. Setting up the algorithms

You started to practice. But how to get the most benefit out of practice? It is by setting up algorithms. If you thoroughly understand the basics of Java, you can set your own algorithms now. Algorithms are the best way to understand a problem and create the best solution for them.


When you are done with practicing the problems given on the online sites, and you decide to give your problem or commands to the computer, you should use an algorithm. Keep practicing problem-solving and set up your own algorithms.


  1. Consistency is key

Give yourself time about weekly four to five days and set up a routine to study and practice Java. Try to practice daily as much as possible. Once you get the flow of the language, you will become unstoppable. Constantly read about Java topics and never stop learning. You will explore more when you read consistently.


If you struggle with learning a concept in Java, always seek help from your friends or teachers. Try to study in a group with people who know Java. You can easily clarify your doubts when you do so. It will be useful when people share their ideas with others and help others to know what they know.



Learning Java will become easier when you follow the right guidelines. Look out for useful resources online and start to self-learn. This blog helped you to know how to start java programming learning journey. With constant practice and motivation, one can master any skill in the least time as possible.

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